Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Me & You

Sometimes I can be very jealous
Sometimes I can be very childish
I will only do that just because I love you
Love you more than can imagine
I have never love someone so much till I can give my life to her
But …..
Whenever you try to tease me or making fun
I will just look at you with my silly face
Because I know you like to watch my silly face with my silly expression @.@’’
LOL ~~
I don’t mind if you are really teasing me or crazy
At least I know you are happy
I just love your smile ^_^
Your smile always make my day ~~
I love you baby~
I always do……no matter what
Last but not least, when you asking me where am I going just now
I was trying to say that I’m going to your heart ~~ >_<
Clumsy baby always burn her hand
What I can do is, never let her do that cook anymore like her mom does
So just let me do the cooking ^_^

You just sit and relax alright ?

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